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Charity Work

Through our own contributions and donations, we make a difference in small communities across the globe.

We realise the importance of education and are putting our efforts into helping schools and tribal villages.

If we can help just one child obtain the skills for better work in the future or help one village become self-sufficient, then we have achieved our aim. 


  • Completed building a kitchen in a school in India

  • supply school shoes and rucksacks to 368 kids in Sri Lanka

  • Portable Ultrasound scanners for midwives in Sumba, Indonesia

  • Sports equipment and games deliveries to Orphanages in Myanmar

  • supplying stone-cutting and jewellery-making tools to a tribal village in rural India

  • Clothing, sports equipment and electrical goods to orphanages in Sri Lanka




Sri Lanka

This beautiful country off the southern tip of India is incredible. The scenery, the culture, the towns, villages and of course the people. Over the last few years the country has struggled with raging inflation (rate of 70% in September 2022), terrorist attacks, the Colombo bombing and of course covid pandemic.  The tourist levels are still way below the peak of 4.5 million during 2019, last 1.4 million tourists visited this magical land. The villagers struggle to even buy a pen, so we help where we can with school uniforms, shoes, backpacks, pens and school equipment.



We have travelled throughout Rajasthan for the last 15 years. The colours, the history, the scenery are all incredible.  But it is the people that have captured our hearts.  Rural Rajasthan, is full of a people who have a 'joie de vivre' - kids having great fun playing with an old wheel and stick, or playing together.  Simple things like back packs., text books, pens and pencil are too expensive and out of reach of the goat herder, the chickpea farmer and the marble carver. So we help where it's needed. Our last project we delivered 248 pairs of shoes, back packs full of pens, text books and equipment to a school in a village called Ajabgarh and we made the front-page of the Rajasthan Newspaper.



This is really where this idea all began. sailing on the Irrawaddy river, our guide called Innocent wanted to take us to see another group of temples. Instead we asked where the nearest orphanage and filled our car with sports equipment, books, pens, flip-flops and a few cuddly toys and drove for 2 hours. We arrived with a group of the kids playing football with a ball so light it floated and hovered before landing when kicked.  we threw one of the leather footballs to the group and they just stared at it for a moment before charging towards it. The kids age ranged from 3-15 in this monastic orphanage and were lined up in height order to receive these gifts. They wanted to do something for us, so they sang a prayer to us and that prayer has made us search for more people we can help around the globe.



Sumba, is an island in the Indonesian Archipelago. The only Catholic island of the 18,130 islands of which 6,000 of these are inhabited.  The Sumba Foundation helps the people of Sumba whilst preserving and respecting their cultural traditions. Eradicating malaria, bringing water supply to villages, healthcare, schooling and nutrition. 



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