Sometimes the words just flow and organic other times I need time to sit and ponder - working out what I need to say and why I feel it is important - been working on 2 area over the last month - Healing and Consciousness - I always think the beginning is always a good place to start. I ended up diving in to the history of healing and couldn’t find any articles so where did it all begin. Research lead me to caves in Turkey, cave paintings, the first burials of human kind - through in to ancient Egypt and then on to Greece. The chapter is now coming together, but intense so flipped over to the lighter subject of consciousness. It doesn’t answer questions but provides extraordinary doubt as to what we perhaps think our conscious world is made up of and that seems to be the key to my writing. Doubt. In this secular world, perhaps this is the biggest thing I can bring is to explore the possibilities of life - doubting our very stubborn minds to perhaps open a little and encourage doubt to our perception of the world.
37,000 words so far - needs lots of editting and I think I am probably half way through!
Gosh thats a scary thought!